


 Front page

Northern Lights
over Mount Halde (3D)

Where the Trains used to go ("Imax format")

  A Year along the  Abandoned Road (70mm)

Aurora Borealis

 Filming av nordlys

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1917. A dark night atop a mountain peak - site of the world�s first Northern Lights Observatory.
A boy and his grandmother play outdoors beneath the stars.
The Northern Lights appear, and scientists photograph them using a specially-built camera,
liaising by telephone with another photographer many kilometres away.

"Northern Lights over Mount Halde" is 7 1/2 minutes long - in stereoscopic 3D.
Most of the film is presented in 3-dimensional silhouette against the night sky.

Some Northern Lights scenes are also filmed in 3D, using two cameras some kilometres apart.
Here we can see shapes and figures of the Aurora in a way that is impossible with our normal eye distance...

"Northern Lights over Mount Halde" is based on real events, persons and places in the history of Norwegian
Northern Lights research. Much of the film is shot on location at the Halde mountain, where the remains of the world's first
permanent Northern Lights Observatory are still to be seen today. At the most, 17 people used to live there,
7 of them were children.  Today, the Halde mountain and Observatory is a popular aim for hikers.

One of the central roles in the film is played by the Norwegian actress Marianne Krogness.
She is the actual granddaughter of the observatory manager and chief scientist Ole Andreas Krogness,
who lived at Halde between 1912 and 1918 together with his wife Dagny and their two children.
Marianne plays the role as her own great grandmother!

Grandmother Christiane:     Marianne Krogness
Child OA:     Sigurd Herlofsen
Scientist Ole Krogness:     Ivar E. Lykke
Research assistant Lukkassen:     Frank Jørstad
Telegraphist:     Bente S. Andersen
OA's mother Dagny:     Karoline Gregersen Herlofsen
Pregnant woman:     Kristin Nicolaysen.

Directing, camera, manuscript:     Morten Skallerud
Music and sound design:     Øistein Boassen
Production manager:     Bård Grape
Stereographer:     Kommer Kleijn
Consept designs:     Endre Skandfer, Fabelfjord
VFX post production:     Stripe
Grading, online, DCP:     Shortcut
Sound post production:     The Factory+

Financed by:
The Norwegian Film Institute - short film consultant Kalle Løchen
Fond for Lyd og Bilde
Nordnorsk Filmsenter
Camera Magica

.Greenscreenopptak i mai 2011  Fra greenscreenopptak i mai 2011

Opptak på Haldde oktober 2010. Bak fra venstre Olav, Karoline, Kristin, Siri, Sven. Foran Morten, Kommer, Marianne, Sigurd, Bård, Even.

Alta Museum's web page about the Halde observatory and Northern Lights research (in Norwegian)

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